Monday, June 27, 2011


Wow!  I cannot believe how time seems to fly by in the summer.  Since my last post, we have been very busy.  So, here is the short and the LLLLLOOOONNNNGGGG of it...

~completed 4th grade...with all A's of course!
~attended her FIRST ever sleep away camps (yes, two this month)
~attended Cirqu du Soleil and LoVeD it!
~is still reading a ton...just at a slower more summery pace

~finished school here in May
~returned to Thailand the first week of June
~is missed so much!!

~went to Qatar and back
~still boxing and playing tennis weekly
~running again...only not as much as he would like
~working beyond TOO much

~started working as a graduate assistant
~began my classes toward my PhD
~spends lots of time writing now
~is so thrilled that TrueBlood is back on!

On top of ALL of that, we also have a new puppy who has taken over our house.  Miss Lily is so wild and unruly, but so cute you just can't stay mad at her.  We love having her...and can't remember life without her!