Sunday, November 29, 2009

Holidays and Miley

Wow! We have been very busy bees indeed! Since my last post, we have dealt with some pretty big medical issues, traveled what seems like the whole world, and enjoyed having friends over. That is just this week!

Emily and Gracie before Miley Cyrus
The week began with friends coming to stay with us from Georgia. They have a daughter right around Gracie's age, and we took the two girls to see Miley Cyrus and Metro Station on Wednesday night before Thanksgiving. They left early Thursday morning to travel back home for Thanksgiving with their family. We really enjoyed having them over though.

Gracie reading during the game

Thursday night after eating with my family, we left to travel to Kansas. We stopped Thursday night in St. Louis, and we finished traveling on Friday morning. We spent some time with Justin, my nephew, who plays football for the Jayhawks. We attended the much anticipated Border Showdown in Kansas City on Saturday afternoon. Although the Jayhawks lost, we had an excellent time. Gracie loved meeting Justin just as much as she did when we met Jeremy.

Gracie and Justin after game

I am not sure what Christmas holidays will bring, but I am sure it will be as adventurous as this one was!