Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Football pics

As promised, here are the pics of Gracie and Jeremy.  The first one is from last year's game, and the next one is from this year.  My how she's grown...  :)

Sunday, October 24, 2010


This week I thought I would post a few pre-Halloween pics.  Gracie attended a Halloween party this weekend, and we took a few cute pics to share.  Enjoy!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Cranky pants and football

Saturday, we drove down to Birmingham, AL to watch Jeremy play football for UTEP against UAB Birmingham.  Several of John's family members also attended, so it was a sort-of a mini family reunion.  It was amazing to see the difference between Gracie this year vs. last year about this time.  Last year, Jeremy had to pick her up for the pictures, but this year, she stood right beside him.  He noticed her growth immediately...which made her feel good.  I was very proud to have a nephew who is kind-hearted enough to notice.  Like the quote is the small things that make a huge difference.  We hope to see Justin play next month in Missouri.  If all goes well, we will see Jeremy, Kim (John's sister), and Donald (brother-in-law) at the game as well.  It would be great too.  We haven't seen Kim in years, and we haven't seen the boys at the same time since they were 8!  Game pics to come soon!

About Gracie...WOW!  She is definitely turning into a "MOODY teenager"!  She is only 9, but my gosh at the mood swings.  She goes from happy and content to hateful and teary in no time flat.  It is just amazing to watch.  I feel like I am caught in a jar of bouncing balls sometimes.  I never know if I am going to get slammed by a super hard ball or slightly brushed by a squishy one.  I hope this phase of life passes quickly!!

On another quick note...John made a comment yesterday about my constant and effortless use of analogies and other literary techniques.  I simply said, "what else do you expect from a language arts teacher?"  Nice to know I am still on top of my game...even though I am currently out of the classroom.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Sundays and calendars

Who knew that I would come to love Sundays because of what I can accomplish?!  Sundays are set aside for me to clean the house, create a weekly (or longer) menu, make a shopping list, grocery shop, clip coupons, and organize everything for the week ahead.  If a Sunday comes and goes and these things don't occur, I feel completely out-of-whack.  My week generally doesn't go well either. 

I am definitely a type A person.  I like to have everything organized, ready to go, and in order.  I am a planner.  I do not do much that isn't written in my calendar.  Anyone who knows me well, knows that I am LOST without my calendar.  It is like a life-line.  I have actually had John bring it to me at work when I have forgotten it.  (Yes, I know...I need to cut the strings here.  I just can't!)  Everyone has their "thing(s)" in life.  Living with the calendar is my "thing". 

So...back on track...  Some people laugh about how I organize, but it works for me.  John and Gracie know that I have a plan for just about everything.  It makes our life go about a little easier.  They know that if something is happening it better be on the calendar.  Gracie has learned to put all invitations, papers, and any other time sensitive materials on my computer if I am not at home at the time she gets them.  This way she is sure I see them, and they find their way to the infamous calendar.  :)

So, today is Sunday.  I have completed several of my Sunday tasks, and I feel very happy that this week will go according to plan...or should I say according to calendar?!  ;)   

Sunday, October 3, 2010


I SOOOO love fall weather!  One of the big pulls for us moving to Tennessee several years back was the wonderful fall weather.  I felt like I missed out the first two years here...when the fall weather was almost non-existent.  This year makes up for all those others though.  It is October 3, and the weather is FaNtAsTiC! 

Here is a picture of Gracie from soccer this season.  Just another great reason to love fall!

I really love fall clothing too.  We bought Gracie's fall wardrobe on Friday, and it was very difficult to limit our purchase.  Everything was just so darn cute!  We bought 2 pairs of jeans, 3 pairs of fleece pants, 4 long sleeve shirts, and a coat complete with matching scarf, gloves, and ear cover (not really sure what the correct name for that headband thing is).  You can see Gracie's new coat (her's is actually brown with pink inside) and matching scarf below.  Old Navy is the BEST place to buy clothing for kids.  The prices are great, and the clothes fit and last.

Now we just have to buy a few things for John and myself, and we are set for another fall/winter.  Up next....Christmas shoppping!  I cannot believe it is only 3 months away.  Crazy how fast time goes!!