Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Only Gracie!

Do you ever have those moments when you think, "OMG!  My child is just like me!"  I had one of those moments this weekend.  I was sitting at the table eating breakfast with John, my mom, and Gracie.  Like usual, Gracie was asking if she could do something.  I said to her, "Did you win the lottery?"  Of course, I was implying that I am not made of money.  She instantly replies, "I can't buy a ticket.  I'm not old enough."  Well, hmmmm!  What could I say to that?  My child is MUCH smarter than I am.  I guess I should just be thankful that I didn't end up with a face full of chewed food because my mom and John nearly died from laughing so hard. 

I just love Gracie...smart comments and all.  She is generally very kind to others, thoughtful, and smarter than any one person should be.  While I realize she comes by the smart mouth very honestly, I have to say that there are times I am thrilled she has it.  While there is always the opportunity to be nice, sometimes life just requires a little sarcasm and snap!  I am one of those people who generally does not do well with sugar sweet people.  There is just something fake about them in my opinion.  I want someone around who is just going to give it to me like it is...no sugar coating!  This is definitely the type of person I am.  My motto in life has always been..."be sure you want to know the REAL answer BEFORE you ask me!"  John says I lack a filter and am brutally honest.  I just believe honesty is the best policy, and sometimes the truth hurts!

Enough of that...here is an update on happenings at our house.

*Gracie met her AR goal for the 9 weeks during the 3rd week of school!  She is such a great reader!!
*She LoVeS her new teacher, and we are very pleased with her as well.
*Gracie has a new bow, and she has been practicing as often as possible.  She really wants to make the school's archery team this year.  Try-outs are next month!
*John finished another course in the process to obtaining his doctorate! 
*We still have soccer every weekend.  The Lunachicks are currently 2nd in their age group!  
*Jersey is currently 40lbs. and growing rapidly.  :)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

New beginnings...

Well, after only 3 1/2 weeks of school...Gracie now has a new teacher.  When school began, I was a little concerned about the class she was placed in.  The teacher did not seem very happy to have us there, and on more than one occassion, actually told us we were not to come to the classroom.  With all that (plus a few things I will leave out), it became apparent that Gracie needed a new setting.  Today, Gracie had her first day with the new teacher.  Boy what a difference a day makes!!!  Gracie got in the car at pick-up, and she said she had a great day!  I cannot remember one time in the last 3 1/2 weeks that she has said that.  So, John and I are keeping our fingers crossed that this is the best decision for Gracie.

As far as John and I go, tomorrow (Sept. 2) we will celebrate our 10th!!!! anniversary.  It has been a long time coming.  Marriage is definitely NOT easy...no matter what the circumstances.  There is always give and take on both sides.  While we have been through some really rough spots, we have managed to come out on the better side of things.  Even though we often joke around, there is no denying that John is my best friend.  It is so cliche' to say that, but it is absolutely true in my case.  John and I were friends before husband and wife, and we are still friends today.  I cannot imagine living my life without him in it.  So, here's to hoping for many more 10 year anniversarys to come... :)