Monday, February 28, 2011

Happy Flowers

I am pretty sure that I have used this template at some point before, but it is springy...and fitting.  We have really enjoyed the warmer weather lately.  John and the kids actually did yard work yesterday while I grocery shopped.  Nat and Gracie have been out walking the neighborhood too with her cookie wagon.  It is great to be able to do that.  We like spring, and we are completely ready to boot out this nasty winter.  I would like to also mention that we are not in anyway interested in the stormy season that lies ahead either.

Here's whats happenin' in our neck of the woods:

*Gracie is finishing her cookie sale, and she finished indoor soccer finally.  She is signed up and ready for softball.  She is still taking gymnastics, guitar, and the fitness classes.  She will compete in her school talent show on March 10.  She is very nervous.

*Nat is playing tennis.  They have their first "real" matches this Friday. 

*John is BUSY BUSY BUSY at work.  It is beyond insane!  When he isn't doing work for his job, he is doing school work or a side project that he has.  He is still going to boxing and cycling, and he plays tennis once or twice a week. 

*I am running around like a chicken without a head most days.  I cook, chase kids, clean house, work with PTO, do my job, and work with Girl Scouts.  Nothing has changed with me really...still working on the lbs. 

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Catching up...

Gracie:  has been sick for several days with some awful virus.  She has a sore throat, headache, cough, fever, and sporadic dizziness.  There is nothing she can take to cure this mess; it just has to run its course.  She missed 2 days of school plus today is a snow day.  She will return to school tomorrow assuming the fever does not return.  Other than that, Gracie started her gymnastics class last week, and she is also taking a kids fitness class twice a week at the civic center.  She is doing well with both.  She has sold 450 boxes of GS cookies so far this season, and we are hoping she makes it to 1000 (although HER goal is 2000).  She had all A's on her report card, and she is just AMAZING!!  She finishes indoor soccer this month, and we sign her up for softball next week. 

Nat:  has acclimated to American High Schools very quickly and well.  He has already picked up the sagging pants and hooded sweatshirt business.  It is quite entertaining.  He eats like nobody's business.  I really understand the "bottomless pit" reference now.  He is SO SWEET to Gracie.  He plays games with her, holds the door for her, lets her read to him, and sooo much more.  We have never asked any of this from him...he just does it.  What a great kid!  We love having him here.  He has been doing conditioning after school, and the tennis team starts practice next week.

John and I are killing it at the gym.  We go no less than 5 times / week, and I am determined to drop 40 by June!  John is looking FaNtAsTiC in his newly fit body too!!  He has been at this a little longer than me, and obviously he is a man.  His weight drops faster than mine.  No hate here, just stating a fact.  He boxes, plays tennis, and does indoor cycling (which I hate!!!).  He also walks/runs on the treadmill on off days.  I go to Zumba and cardio circuit, as well as, tame the beast (elliptical).  I am considering picking up the weights again to get these WOman arms under some kind of control.  :)  Other than gym time, we are busy working with Girl Scouts, PTO, and other little ventures. 

I guess our motto this year is getting healthy!  Everything seems to revovle around athletics and fitness.